Zürcher Ressourcen Modell
This is the homepage of the ZRM online tool for developing a new life approach.
The online tool will guide you step-by-step through the process of formulating a “motto goal” that can be used in accordance with the ZRM method of self-management.
If this is your first time using the ZRM online tool, please read the introduction. If you are already familiar with the online tool, you can skip the introduction and go directly to the picture gallery.
- Introduction
- Open picture selection
- Issue-specific picture selection
There are two ways to use the ZRM online tool. The tool begins by presenting users with a series of pictures and the first step is to select a picture. There are two options for choosing a picture.
Option 1: Open picture selection
With this option, you spontaneously select a picture that gives you a strong, positive feeling. The open selection option can help you to uncover your inner needs. This variant can also help you to identify potentially unconscious or preconscious needs and to put these needs into words.
Option 2: Issue-specific picture selection
This variant helps you to address a specific, concrete issue. The issue might be a motivational problem, something that makes you feel reluctant or resistant, or a specific source of internal conflict. Examples might be trouble completing unpleasant tasks, a tendency to procrastinate, problems realizing a New Year’s resolution, or your attitude towards a chronic illness or towards a difficult situation in your life.
- Open picture selection
- Issue-specific picture selection
Resource activating warm-up
- Please describe the issue you would like to address.
- Please also describe the thoughts and feelings you have when you think about this issue.
My issue
My thoughts and feelings
Now you will view a series of different pictures. You will choose one picture that will serve as your resource. Tune out the rational part of your brain for the moment and let your intuition take over for this task. Choose the picture that gives you a strong, positive feeling (makes you feel happy or calm, makes you smile, etc.). You don’t have to understand why the picture gives you such a good feeling. You will see one picture at a time and the series of pictures will be presented twice. Just pay attention to which picture gives you an especially good feeling. At the end of each run-through, you will see an overview of all of the pictures. Then you can compare all of the pictures and check which one you like the best.
(Each picture is displayed for 3 seconds. The series of pictures is presented twice.) >
Full screen view
Ideas associated with “your” picture
- Now you will see several positive ideas associated with your chosen picture. Please mark all of the associations that spontaneously give you a good feeling.
- You do not need to understand why a particular association makes you feel so good.
Please mark all of the associations that spontaneously give you a good feeling.
Next you will see a list of all of the associations that you liked. Please take another look at the associations. Use your good feeling to spontaneously mark the associations you like best. In other words, pick out your favorite associations from the list.
If you really like all of the associations, then select all of them. If you only like one, that’s okay, too. It doesn’t matter how many associations you select. What matters is that you select the associations that spontaneously give you the strongest positive feelings.
Please make your selection quickly, based on your good feeling.
Your favorite associations are:
Your new life approach
Please use your favorite associations to formulate a new life approach, either in general (open picture selection) or with regards to a specific issue (issue-specific picture selection). You can complete the following sentences or create your own sentence.
I want to feel like…
I want to act like…
I want to be like…
Examples for a new life approach:
I want to feel like a bear with a thick coat of fur.
I want to act like the young woman on the Vespa, boldly speeding ahead.
I want to be like the lotus and grow at my own pace.
I want to proceed at my own pace, step by step.
** Your new life approach **:
My specific issue and my situation until now:
My Issue
My Feeling
How things will change
Please take a moment to consider how things will change now that you have adopted a new life approach.
Consequences of your new life approach
Please use the space below to write down your thoughts.
We wish you lots of happiness with your new life approach!