There are two ways to use the ZRM online tool. The tool begins by presenting users with a series of pictures and the first step is to select a picture. There are two options for choosing a picture.
Option 1: Open picture selection
With this option, you spontaneously select a picture that gives you a strong, positive feeling. The open selection option can help you to uncover your inner needs. This variant can also help you to identify potentially unconscious or preconscious needs and to put these needs into words.
Option 2: Issue-specific picture selection
This variant helps you to address a specific, concrete issue. The issue might be a motivational problem, something that makes you feel reluctant or resistant, or a specific source of internal conflict. Examples might be trouble completing unpleasant tasks, a tendency to procrastinate, problems realizing a New Year’s resolution, or your attitude towards a chronic illness or towards a difficult situation in your life.